** This is for explanation purposes only **
"The Memes", "The Cycle", and "The ATM" are currently not avaliable. Rest assured that the Avant-Gardes team are working like mad men to create these functionalities ASAP. In the meantime, all of "The Memes" weekly competitions are being held on Twitter. Each week on Saturday at noon the winners are selected.
** You must own an Avant-Garde in order to win the contest **
This is actually a real artist, and they and their associated projects are by no means affiliated with the Avant-Gardes. (Although, we would love to have them as candidates for v2.) They are only included for explanation purposes, and because their project's helped inspire this one.
This is actually a real artist, and they and their associated projects are by no means affiliated with the Avant-Gardes. (Although, we would love to have them as candidates for v2.) They are only included for explanation purposes, and because their project's helped inspire this one.